Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders What Does it Take to Inspire Us?

What Does it Take to Inspire Us?

 24th May 2022


What does it take to inspire as a communicator?

Many believe it to be a mystical gift.

Bestowed on others.

Denied to themselves.

Not true.

What it takes is honesty.

Searing honesty.

About what you really think.

About how you truly feel.

About what you believe to be most critically important and meaningful.

Not merely to yourself - but to your audience.

Inspirational speaking is not a functional activity.

It’s a state of being.

One which transcends “technique”.

#leadership #inspiration #communication #workplace #emotionalintelligence #sales

 Thank you for a wonderful session. Feedback was frighteningly good!


 Joseph Wilkes | Associate Director, Career Services, Hult International Business School, London

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