Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders High Impact Business Storytelling

High Impact Business Storytelling

 21st Mar 2022
Image: Detail
For high impact business storytelling...

You don't need a lot of detail.

But the detail you DO use is important.

Examples include:

Time phrases - how long ago, over what time period?

Where were you/they?

Who was involved? Be as specific as you can.

Dialogue - what was said, what was the voice in your head, the decision that was made?

What was the outcome? Emotionally... financially... commercially... in terms of morale...?

It's all in the details.

Just don't use too many!

#storytelling #business #communication #publicspeaking #leadership

 In the last 10 years I have never devoted so much time to a course as this one.


Nadeem Masud | Head of Corporate & Investment Banking for Middle East and North Africa, Deutsche Bank

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