Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders The Authority Gap

The Authority Gap

 14th Feb 2024


"The least diverse groups were much more confident about their decisions, even though they were more likely to be wrong." [Mary Ann Sieghart]

Currently reading this bold, insightful and provocative book "The Authority Gap". Highly, highly recommend.

So many of the issues Mary Ann raises chime with observations made by women leaders I've met over the years.

Including many in super-senior leadership roles.

The author's opening remarks in Chapter 4 (see pic) are just one example of points in the book that struck me hard.

That Mary Ann should choose to "thank" me as a man for being "unusual" in

a) picking up a book written by a woman

b) reading a book predominantly about women

Yeesh - there's still much work to be done...

Speak soon.

Simon brought his vast experience to the subject of storytelling which he masters wholly. He skilfully guided members through his unique series of techniques for both developing and delivering business stories that, by definition, can belong only to each individual business concerned. An excellent morning and highly recommended.


 Gordon Bromley I Chairman, Surrey & SW London Academy for Chief Executives

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