Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Such an Important Topic!

Such an Important Topic!

 16th Feb 2024

ESU Blog

Such an important education policy topic this.

Please, please restore life skills in public speaking and “speaking under pressure” as priorities in the curriculum.

They’ve been neglected for way too long.

And give these skills real bite, assessment-wise!

You’ll be doing the next generation a favour…

My views are based on experience working with thousands of Year 9s through Year 13 over the years - in 100+ schools across the UK.

Largely thanks to the tremendous work of Speakers Trust, The English-Speaking Union and the Jack Petchey Foundation.

#publicspeaking #education #communication #youngpeople #oracy

 Thank you for a wonderful session. Feedback was frighteningly good!


 Joseph Wilkes | Associate Director, Career Services, Hult International Business School, London

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