Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Seize Your Opportunites...

Seize Your Opportunites...

 23rd Sep 2022
Seize Your Opportunities
The inability to speak with impact is not a skills gap.

It’s a career-limiting issue.

Plain and simple.


Seize opportunities to speak whenever possible.

Treat it as a skill to develop, not a gift you’re born with.

Keep it simple.

One talk at a time.

Crave feedback.

Use conversations as a safe environment in which to practice.

Treat those #presentations as conversations!


#career #publicspeaking #presentationskills #leadership

The school is at the start of an ambitious and exciting journey. You have helped us set the standard for the remainder of the year and further ahead. I hope you will return to the school in the future and inspire subsequent cohorts of MPP students.


Professor Peter Kemp | Associate Director, The Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

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