Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Reflecting on Value for Leaders

Reflecting on Value for Leaders

 16th Jun 2023
Fantastic experience at the Hg Senior Leadership in Tech conference held in Lucerne, Switzerland this week.

Flying home into London City in fabulous weather yesterday (yes, my photo 😎) reflected on how valuable it can be for leaders to gain fresh perspectives.

Taking the time…

To step back
To take a wider view
To deepen relationships with new & existing peers
To gain fresh expert input
To sharpen the proverbial saw and then some

So, so precious when the day-to-day can be so full-on.

Presentations can provide that opportunity - if they’re well-positioned.

So do holidays - if they represent a genuine break.

And so do first-class conferences.

Great work Team Hg.

You know who you are.

Loved it. 👏👍

Simon brought his vast experience to the subject of storytelling which he masters wholly. He skilfully guided members through his unique series of techniques for both developing and delivering business stories that, by definition, can belong only to each individual business concerned. An excellent morning and highly recommended.


 Gordon Bromley I Chairman, Surrey & SW London Academy for Chief Executives

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