Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders How to Open an Event

How to Open an Event

 13th Jun 2023
Opening Event in Switzerland
In Zurich en route to Lucerne to MC a conference later this week.

In a city with possibly the cleanest river I’ve ever seen.

Hugely looking forward to the upcoming conference.

If you’re opening an event, presentation, meeting or conference session, bring ENERGY!

It may feel exaggerated; you may feel drained after (if so, good!) but your energy is a wonderfully renewable resource.

Get out there and REACH people…

#energy #event #people #publicspeaking #mc #conference

Your training massively improved my public speaking ... helped develop my communication skills that go far beyond addressing audiences. Even four years on, it remains the most useful training I have ever had at work - the impact on my career has been huge.


Joe Halloran | Computing Teaching and Learning Consultant

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