High Impact Speaking - The Executive's Online System High Impact Speaking - Home Study

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How soon is your next 'reputation critical' presentation?

Transform the impact you achieve through the spoken word

  • Handle the nerves, so you project confidence

  • Engage your audience fast

  • Be more persuasive and inspiring as a communicator

High Impact logo

  • A NEW online video-based Coaching System
  • Packed with practical tips, techniques and insights
  • 70+ videos, comprising 8 hours of content
  • Includes 9 Core Modules, Case Studies, Interventions, Executive Summaries and practical exercises


Click here to find out more...


"Working through this program has made a huge difference to my speaking. After my conference presentation, I had so many executives telling me, 'I want you to come and work for my organization'. It just goes to show the power of impactful speech... I can't count how many people told me my presentation was THE best."

Senior Brand Manager for a global consumer products business


For Further Information Contact Simon | +44 (0)7834 083500 or complete our ENQUIRY FORM


Simon brought his vast experience to the subject of storytelling which he masters wholly. He skilfully guided members through his unique series of techniques for both developing and delivering business stories that, by definition, can belong only to each individual business concerned. An excellent morning and highly recommended.


 Gordon Bromley I Chairman, Surrey & SW London Academy for Chief Executives

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