Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Communication is NOT a Test of ....

Communication is NOT a Test of ....

 13th Sep 2022
Imperial Business School
Loving the experience of working with incoming Masters in Finance students at Imperial College Business School this week and last.

Seven cohorts in all - clearly relishing the experience of being live and in-person rather than virtual!

A couple of key insights from the sessions…

1) Effective #communication is not a test of knowledge.

It’s about accessing what’s RELEVANT.

2) Effective communication is not about you the speaker!

It’s about what’s in it for the audience/listener.

With even a modest adjustment in #mindset the impact over the longer-term can be enormous.

Onwards and upwards…

#finance #university #mba #businessschools #leadership #interview

Your training massively improved my public speaking ... helped develop my communication skills that go far beyond addressing audiences. Even four years on, it remains the most useful training I have ever had at work - the impact on my career has been huge.


Joe Halloran | Computing Teaching and Learning Consultant

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