Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Charles lll Address to the Nation

Charles lll Address to the Nation

 10th Sep 2022
Charles Addresses the Nation
Mmm… I just watched King Charles III’s television address to the nation.

Speaking to autocue - or reading from notes/script - in a way that sounds natural is not easy.

(Kudos to skilled newsreaders the world over).

Nor are British Royals renowned for their overt displays of emotion.

But I thought Charles’ address was strong.

Personal, sincere and more emotive than I’d have expected.

As King, quite some first impression.


#publicspeaking #royalfamily

Simon brought his vast experience to the subject of storytelling which he masters wholly. He skilfully guided members through his unique series of techniques for both developing and delivering business stories that, by definition, can belong only to each individual business concerned. An excellent morning and highly recommended.


 Gordon Bromley I Chairman, Surrey & SW London Academy for Chief Executives

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