Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders A Cracking Book...

A Cracking Book...

 30th Mar 2024
Cracking book this! If you want to get a serious grip on how you make the most of time available..
A meditation about the present moment, the timebox around it, and the chaos beyond.

Pause for a moment and recognise: you are here, right now.

This moment is all you ever have, all there ever is.

But staying in that moment, with full awareness is easier said than done.

Instead, imagine your day divided into small boxes of time, each a small space for the present moment. Timeboxes.

They are spaces you made, spaces you own, spaces you can be comfortable in. A timebox is your space for doing one thing at a time.

When your mind wanders outside, let the concept of the current timebox be your beacon back to now. Visualise it, not as an entry in your calendar, but as a space you inhabit and enjoy and attend to, with light and air and a calming sensation.

Within each of these timeboxes lies the wisdom of a past clarity — your past clarity — in that earlier, quieter moment, when you decided what to do, and when.

Try it, next time your mind starts to get bombarded by internal or external distractions.

Coming back to the timebox you’re in is, for many of us, an easier version of bringing awareness back to the present moment.

Let me and others know how it worked out.

♻️ REPOST to help others too.

Follow Marc Zao-Sanders
for more of this kind of thing.

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I have learnt so much ... had an opportunity to present to an audience just a couple of days after and it was the most successful public speaking I've ever done.


Agnes Guzik | Category Manager, FM & Trading Assets, Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd.

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